We are proud to have one of the most advanced timber frame manufacturing & design facilities in the country. We have the perfect mix of CNC technology and passionate timber frame craftsmen.
We source only the finest quality timbers from responsibly managed forests. Timber framing is the most sustainable building method. We are a proud member of the Timber Framers Guild, indicating our dedication to the craft.
Shop Tour
Join Everett Skinner IV for an in-depth educational tour of our advanced timber frame design & manufacturing facility in Ellington, CT. Start in the design department and then head into the shop. See our CNC machines in action with sawdust flying and timber frame joinery being crafted with precision, then hand finished, ensuring the highest quality, most authentic timber frame barns & kits available today. Learn all about joinery—the art of connecting timbers with only wood to wood connections—and why we’re blending modern technology with old-time tradition to bring new life to this lost art. Discover the difference between post & beam and timber frame. And see what makes our timber frame kits the best.